When Rona Henry moved here from the South, she did not have family or any support in the area. In fact, she didn’t move with much more than her children, and was apprehensive to leave them in outside care. She soon had all three of her children in LEO programs. Her oldest daughter Julia was in our afterschool program, and her two little ones, Kendall and Cameron, were at our Jack Robinson Child Care Center.
“Eager to find stable employment, Rona worked diligently with our staff and the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) to get into a job training program, and was ultimately accepted into a medical billing coding program at Salem Hospital.”
She lives in the highlands and walks to JRCCC to drop the kids off at school. Most mornings Rona arrives early to play games with her children in the driveway: I Spy, Red Light Green Light. Rona embodies the qualities of a fully engaged Head Start parent.
Success at LEO is measured in steps forward; moving each day toward a goal. Showing up for your children AND yourself.
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